2018, January: Interviewed by Todd Moe (NCPR, North Country Public Radio)
Papermaking, bookbinding reflect artist Velma Bolyard's life philosophy
2017, January: Interviewed by Deborah Blakeley (Zonearts)
Velma Bolyard paper artist - New York State, USA
2013, March 13: Interviewed by Aimee Lee
Bookbinding Now podcast by Susan Mills
2007, April 27: Interviewed by hosts Todd Moe, Beth Robinson & Hilary Oak (NCPR)
Open Studio First Anniversary live special
1988: Interviewed by Lamarr Bliss (NPR & Voice of America)
Papermaking at Wake Robin
Video from Papermaking, bookbinding reflect artist Velma Bolyard's life philosophy by Todd Moe (Weekday Morning Host and Producer), in North Russell, NY
Uploaded by ncprstudio on 2018-01-23.