wake robin is a north country flower that blossoms in early spring but don't sniff, other common names are stinkin' willie or stink pot. guess why! but it's a wine red trillium that blooms along with the drifts of white trillium.
for many years i've borrowed this flower name for my fiberart and papermaking. and so i begin a blog, borrowing again. it's my intention to use this place to ponder and play (and probably pontificate, pointedly) my way through the process of art making using fiber and paper. i'm realizing that my work is constantly telling the story of my relationship to this rural place, north of the adirondack blue line.
above is a stack of my handmade papers, fibers are hosta, daylily, rhubarb, canada thistle, and probably some others. the golden paper is made from garage sale cotton bed sheets. and above, my banner is a sewn piece with dyed sheeting, paper, and spun paper thread. please bear with me as i navigate the scary world of blogging.