you guys reading this are terrific. i mention a little experiment and there's much enthusiasm, so i get my lazy butt in gear and try to get some work done. so.
i looked around my work table (the one in my dining room) and just above (behind) the exacto knife blades is the stack of pages for the august book. they are resting in a piece of thick dyed vellum, now measured and being looked at for binding. i will sew them together on supports, which i will lace through the vellum OR make tackets.
and i took a stack of maybe five shifu pieces to dye with hollyhock, rusty steel, onion skins, and vinegar (leftover from claussen pickles) and put them on the woodstove to stew. they are cooled down now and will stew for a couple of weeks, give or take.
the stewpot is very boring, visually, but i bring you the little ends of japanese paper given to me by carol blinn, off cuts from a warwick press project. they are now small threads for the next weaving.
though i got home rather late from work, i decided to take my border collie wendy out for a good walk. after taking my class to the climbing wall at SUNY, i thought it would stretch out my kinked up muscles a bit. chilly and snowy, murky, but outside!