in my house there is a plentitude of cluster flies. that's right flies. they are the bane of old houses. they were joined by ladybugs several years ago, and we spend way too much time dodging their wild flights and watching them land in morning tea. they are spring and fall visitors, preferring transitional times, like me. the visiting setters are mesmerized by them, perhaps they think they're tiny little birds. wendy hunts them sometimes.
the past week has been bird-full, and about mid week i heard my first morning robin singing. this morning turkeys, robins, red wing blackbirds, crows, starlings, cardinals, chickadees the list goes on. i even think i heard a white throated sparrow. i don't know many of the voices i hear. one i haven't heard yet is woodcock, though they've been seen.
finishing up my second round of antibiotics and am finally feeling like myself. my friend once said after taking a fall from her horse, "i think i'm back in my body again". that's how i feel.
three exciting paper events this week. one is that i'm going to pbi, the paper and book intensive, this year. i'm excited to be in three wonderful classes taught by tatiana ginsberg, frank brannon, and melissa jay craig. my head will be bursting with energy and ideas after that! the second is that i have a serious inquiry about teaching, that may be a long-term event rather than a workshop, here at my mill. and the third was this:
i was comissioned to make this:
the past week has been bird-full, and about mid week i heard my first morning robin singing. this morning turkeys, robins, red wing blackbirds, crows, starlings, cardinals, chickadees the list goes on. i even think i heard a white throated sparrow. i don't know many of the voices i hear. one i haven't heard yet is woodcock, though they've been seen.
finishing up my second round of antibiotics and am finally feeling like myself. my friend once said after taking a fall from her horse, "i think i'm back in my body again". that's how i feel.
three exciting paper events this week. one is that i'm going to pbi, the paper and book intensive, this year. i'm excited to be in three wonderful classes taught by tatiana ginsberg, frank brannon, and melissa jay craig. my head will be bursting with energy and ideas after that! the second is that i have a serious inquiry about teaching, that may be a long-term event rather than a workshop, here at my mill. and the third was this:
i was comissioned to make this:
wendy's book
as some of you know, and it arrived and is being used. with positive results. more, perhaps, about that later. also one of my books, 24 nests, purchased by a friend, was given to a loved one, passing along the joy of this little book. i am reminded of the healing possibilities of art, the material objects that touch hearts. and passing it on.