a class in the mountains

i have some teaching news
that i'd like to share
in the hope that you 
will join me there.
in the southern part of new hampshire
will host me teaching

In the Ecotone: North Country Shifu

with Velma Bolyard
Aug 9 - Aug 11, 2013 – 3 day(s)
Explore the traditional Japanese art of shifu, a spun and woven paper textile, both a quiet and meditative art. You will learn all aspects of the process, from paper to finished small weavings. Beginning with a large sheet of lokta or kozo paper the process moves through preparing and spinning paper into thread or yarn, wet or dry for comparison, to ultimately weaving the threads on a simple loom that each student creates from repurposed materials. During free moments, a bouquet of simple book structures will be taught, one of which can showcase each student’s workshop samples and thoughts. Students may bring a spinning wheel with light tensioning or a drop spindle.



should you wish to fiddle around with PAPER

please join me there
there will be lovely walks, the woods, sheep and chickens,
and kylie and luna
and the amazing nancy zeller
who makes working there, 
and you will work, a treat.