i will be in february, over winter break?
i will be teaching three classes.
the first will be at amazing and wonderful
in Melbourne.
we will be working on paper as/on/in textile
in BOOK format.
a codex will be made by every participant
'twill be a medieval style
with very contemporary implications.
your very personal marks
maybe not words, though, but you'll be making
the stationer's binding.
a medieval version of a three ring binder,
only with tackets and hideyholes.
my amazing friend
and proprietor of Beautiful Silks
Marion Gorr says there will be
a couple of surprises, too
a dyepot or more,
imagine: indigo, cochineal, ecoprints…
making paper sing.
making paper string.
making paper speak and listen.
and then after Melbourne,
i will be in a more faraway place called
where i will teach first a two,
then a four day workshop!
enough time to delve lightly, 2 days,
or deeply, 4 days, into shifu making
shifu Shifu SHIFU!
we will spin and weave and color up our
paper/thread/books. the four days
will be enough time to go very deeply
into a formal book presentation of your shifu.
you will reach a bit,
work hard,
i am very excited
and i am hoping like mad
that the weather gods smile on this winter traveler!