this image has become my recent favorite
from maine, in acadia
these are the bits i made
working with nancy leavitt at cclc
(near lubec.)
who came by each of us at work
and wrote out our names
just my name
i have lousy lettering skills
but nancy spoke about the COLOR
and i began to treat it
more like line and shape.
and there were delicious experiments on watercolor
and gouache
with quill
and pen and brush
nancy prepped a portfolio for each of us
filled with sample papers to try
my favorite was one of katie macgregor's
who was my afternoon teacher.
i could kick myself for not taking,
one photo
at her studio.
but this is the tiny keepsake
she gave us all
and of course the two sheets i pulled
will be along presently.
this is my table currently
with two printouts of the first photo
one on my daylily paper, one on glossy stock
plus there are several sheets of katie's paper
that i brought away to experiment with.
sometime ago i fell madly in love
with these small depictions
of first nations people's
work and living spaces.
the mapping of how we choose to live
interests me,
and the maps themselves
dance with play.