driving home from school there was a singular roadblock
pulled out across both lanes
a team of three with single bottom plow.
by the time i fished out my camera
their young driver had u-turned those large dancing workers
and moved ahead, waiting for me to drive past
he had a huge smile and a wave which i returned,
and off i went.
the huge energy of these big horses
always has me in awe.
there was this, too:
hepatica after dyeing
a shock of tomato in the contact print
the bloodroot down the hill
in a spot new to me
has appeared amidst the stubble of last year.
tiny stars
here and gone so quickly.
again an evening walk
and that moon has changed this week
as she always does
silver weft on cedar warp
fiddleheads in the evening sun
may day.
i won't be attending the wayzgoose
at wells college in aurora next saturday
as planned, my
dear partner has surgery on friday.
so i will be tending to that and to two bird dogs.
but please consider making the trip
supporting wells and the book arts
and finding treasures.