can't hardly think

a couple days ago
i was harvesting canada thistledown
at 6 AM
before it got hot.
 one time harvesting thistledown there were spiders
and i had to avoid them with my thanks
and respect
this day there were
it was very dewey
(no decimals)
with many lovely snails.
 at home my yard is drying up. 
not australia dry, but the soil is light tan and dusty.
the grass bristly brown
here, under the spruce and basswood
i witnessed a kestrel take a robin fledgling.
i was trying to photograph the mayhem 
(parents yelling, siblings upset)
and almost missed the whole thing.
but there was evidence, too.
 see the branch shadows and dead leaves.
this maple is dead, shed its leaves.
 there was a light show last night 
a reward for suffering through this heat!
 i saw the amazing corals 
 and a slip of a moon, below.
 this morning i walked early
and was struck by the neighbor's barn-
that perfect blue square.
 around another corner is hill road, 
it's where i've walked
 almost daily
for 30 years.
 the business of making:
work on the shiny book-needs sewing
work on botanical pressure printing- little edition (4) with bird prints coming along
work on botanical pressure printing- paper samples for HandPapermaking edition
work on prepping thistledown/make thistledown paper
day lily prints and drawings
cicadas are wailing away in the back yard
coyotes waited almost till dawn before they sang last night
or this morning
high HOT of course parched summer.