excuse the focus
when i'm in a hurry i struggle with technology
so i couldn't get the camera on it.
porcupine was in the cedar,
i was working at the table.
out of the corner of my eye
i saw a dark gray earthbound flash in the morning light.
porcupine fell.
i turned and saw the landing, grabbed the camera, and ran to catch the action.
stunned porcupine paused and took stock of the situation.
i could see that the fall was small, six feet, perhaps seven.
still, porcupine paused,
moved carefully,
turned and
walked across to another of the cedar trunks.
and then up porcupine climbed,
quickly moving to a new place on a cedar branch
to browse.
(have i mentioned those marvelous climbing feet?)
on the omnipresent facebook i was advised
that porcupines do fall.
evidence is their healed broken bones.
when i was told this, i worried at first
this small one seemed only a little vexed
by the inconvenience of falling.
this is a lesson that
i want to learn.