another class has ended,
the moulds cleaned and felts washed and stacked neatly.
and i am happy with my class,
so many beautiful (in the richest sense) young people,
and my four mature students, also beautiful.
there was some leftover pulp
so after giving away all that was wanted
i brought the rest home for some kitchen papermaking,
aka making little papers.
the studio is equipped with lee mcdonald miniature laid and wove moulds
business card size: purchased during handpapermaking's auction one year.
and a 5 square inch mould from the paperwright, britt quinlin
on loan from slu.
aimee sent me a little stack of kozo papers.
this was my favorite,
it's now a nifty ball of kami-ito
turkey trot:
arrows going somewhere,
pointing or not to
they were atop one of the rises on my walk
disappeared into the woods
leaving behind evidence.
and a spruce near the highbush cranberry
seems to be the place where whomever eats the berries
spruce and cranberry
and partially eaten