I’m trying so hard to learn this and not doing too well.
the format may make my blogging change, but i’d like to keep doing it, because over here on squarespace you can communicate with me.
the last two months have been hard, with a sinus infection keeping me on the down/low, functioning below normal, with a headache, and now, three antibiotics (actually four) later (yes, i did the natural stuff, too) i am finally getting better.
the house has sold. finally really and truly.
i am packing.
and i’m a little bit crazed.
i have so much to share but so little understanding of how to use this format. i will leave you with this little bit: our bookish group went to montreal a couple weeks back, and visited st armand papaterie. heres a look:
the modest entry
and i’m closing now, and once i keep practicing, if i can make myself do it, i’ll be able to communicate with you all more fluently. my thanks for coming by and reading and i hope that soon it will be easy and i’ll feel like i’m having a conversation again. happy may.