all the things, michelle moode writes, and i will add, all the little things. for those are the things that have meaning, meaning enough to make my life. so making paper and prints this week, finding oh so many violets and dandelions in the yard, taking a risk to print with a few fiddleheads, three trilliums, equisetum. it’s risky business to take a wild flower for oneself, riskier still to interfere in nature at all these days. and nature, so generous, says yes. sometimes no, but yes to these.
all the little things, being remembered by catherine mayday press, aimee, carol, linda, jessica springtide press, steph rue, washi arts, michelle, melissa, and so many other folks that right now i haven;t the wearwithall to go and find, you all have inspired and held me, like me holding oriole, gently, respectfully, and with great care. knowing that it could all go south, but hoping not.
when you are remembered despite forgetting all those others, carol warwick and gracia and louise, tim and peter and mark, reminds me of just this: there is community, there is love. nothing is required.
making is returning, the joy of a more complex thing than a boco print or a flax paper, but a book and a poem and a letter destroyed by honesty…so many ways to scramble up and out of the terrible hole. for you who look around here and lift me up, thank you. i may have left a multitude of naming out because i’m tired today (you can’t sleep poorly for months on end and have much thinking left). nell needs a walk, so off i go and thank you for sharing miracles and wonders and hope. all of you.