i’ve been busy tying up loose ends this weaver says, and there are many.
first covid test: negative. will have second next week.
first flu shot in many, many years: yesterday. made me a bit sick.
finished and mailed today: three promised things for friends near and far.
finished and mailed two little shifu books, thank you for your orders.
i have two more left, and that’s it for the little shifu books.
punched many holes for 20(ish) journals for the first year program.
stitched some of those journals (keith smith pattern).
visited daughter hannah in maine for much needed computer/phone help.
made shifu samples for steph and lars’ hanji portfolio.
made and sent 10 minute video (thanks melissa schulenberg) for natural dye symposium in japan
mailed four artists’ books for exhibition (one new).
had take-out nepalese food from watertown
found two new fantastic north country european style cheeses, farmer’s market, saranac lake.
bought a big ticket item.
harvested some goldenrod and sumac and blackeyed susans for prints.
recovered this word: ecoprint.
almost finished my chapter for papermaker’s tears vol.2. (third edit)
scheduled ecoprint demo for printmaking class co-taught by 3 printmakers in 3 colleges.
participated in zoom meetings.
signed up for two on-line learnings, with karen hanmer another with stuart kestenbaum
found lots and lots of cardinal flowers on the place
missed a car oil change
watched two big bucks and a doe around the place
made some wishes come true. yep.
so much going on, i will write when i have more time and energy and haven’t done yet another re-write earlier in the day. because my thoughts are muddled. i am excited about writing for papermaker’s tears, and the second hanji portfolio; both of these will premiere at codex 8. but i am thinking of you all despite being absent from here and wishing and hoping you are healthy and safe.
my sweet vintage bridgestone mountain bike, ready for a new home.
many thanks for keeping in touch…