mid june reporting

 there are two doors now
 and this is the mudroom/entryway
 a large garden shed
built with trusses salvaged
from the house re-build
and roofing from his old milk house
 we've found turtle alley
a place where the road
skirts a large marsh
and turtles use this spot
 to lay eggs
all patterning thanks to turtles 
 some of these turtles are quite large
and there is some record of agitation
 and annihilation
i saw one huge raccoon
happily feeding at the end of the strip.
not too bothered by me, but it did
slip off. 
 the juneberry is shedding 
a few leaves
and is producing the first bird food 
at the new place;
also strawberries, 
the amish have them coming on.
out the window by the beaver dam
a whitetail nibbles
new water plants
 a fertile crescent
 these drifts of pale yellow
 are pollen
so many trees are flowering
and the northern forest
is rich. 
this was my desk thursday
royalty visited,
or was it lori
the best teacher assistant in the world
who brought me a little bit of spring
for joy and then for printing.
monday after school
i leave for a workshop 
with dorothy caldwell.
i am so happy!

winter continues

to be itself. 
after huge cold 
and more cold
and ice 
and more
 came thaw.
finally the deer came out of their 
hidey holes,
yarded up
till it's walkable.
 fissures are filling up again
 and starlings gather 
to whistle and sing
and remind me that january's half done.
 and this small snow comes down
with a chill wind
 begins again to build up 
little drifts
 off in the woods,
 close by in the fencelines,
and these, happily wait
food for those silly starlings
or other hungry winged ones.
and that porcupine
the one with the limp,
waddles into the front yard to eat 
an arbor vitae snack.