
 off the stump
 rebekah's ancient textile
 almost ready to remove
 marks on cut lokta
 slit and tab binding exemplar

 the other end of the table
 almost ready to end
 another stump
 and another
 resting from structure #3
 weaving on cardboard
 another variation
 and another
 and another
and another 
 yes, another
 dyed lokta
 fingers in tune with the web
 new beginning

 aki's notes
 old military linen weft
 a few knots are just fine
 one walnut dip
 turkish spindle ball
 needle weaving
 nifty long sample
 lokta on silver threads
 a little pod shape
lovely tapestry
thank you all 
two classes, six days
several book structures 
(thanks to hedi, alisa, aimee)
lots of paper textiles
one happy teacher


surprises are lurking around the corner. the final week for students is underway. my progress reports for students are done. three new student interviews scheduled, one completed. we said goodbye to one student early, he is traveling out of state for the summer. one student is graduating and will take the last sub-test of the ged and pass. yes. she. will. we have two more events this week, two more days of classes. camp work, and a picnic and ride at a stable.

ian survived his first day at work.

summer is around the corner. so is my solstice baby's birthday. 

my work table is packed with stuff to do, and tonight, i want to go to bed. now. a robin sings a good night song. so do i.