blogging through

i am realizing that i often start a post with a theme in mind only to find it has become another thing altogether. i started thinking about my intolerance for bullshit, the issue jude hill mentioned today. but as i wrote i realized that this is more a strong desire for authenticity and real relationships in both my life and work. and work, for me is my bread income (teaching in an alternative high school ged special education program) and the art i choose, paper, fiber, and books. life is, for me, about maintaining integrity and authenticity.  
i'm not sure that i juggle the two halves of me with any grace, but i do try. as i was thinking about these blessed nine days away from teaching, i walked and thought of papermaking. milkweed and dogbane are two favorite fibers that i can collect just out my back door and make lovely papers, full of character and north country liveliness. both were everywhere on my walk! often people put their noses right down into a box of papers as i show them, they inhale deeply and smile.

being able to spot the skeletons of plants is one of the pleasures of winter. years of practice and a bit of intuition tell me that i must skip the dogbane now, there's just not enough fiber to use even for a tiny bit of paper. (there might be enough if i was spinning or twining a short length of thread) but i once went out on my skis in march with my pack basket, and harvested milkweed, field retted, fiber white and peeling, and made wonderful paper. i make this in a cobbled together eastern/western method, which makes lovely sheets. it is possible that i will put on my boots tomorrow morning and gather up milkweed, bring it home, strip and cook it up for paper. it would feed my soul to do this. make a big mess. keep my hands busy.

and, by the way, does anyone out there have any wisteria fiber i might purchase or trade for? not much, just to sample a bit with.