news from n.y.c. and the north country

poems seem to fall out of the murky november sky
along with watery snow
snowy rain
misshapen pod 
for sophie 
and wendy, that little scamp
went on a toot through the brush
before supper yesterday.
this is what she used to do
before she got sick
and today she's coughing, 
symptom of her heart disease.
after school
most days
i've been dyeing
 abaca ecodyed
detritus from the first big dye job
two very long pieces of 
heavy japanese kozo
printmaking papers 
gift from yoyo
about 7 x 42 inches each
several more in the pot
right now.
jude says two more weeks without electricity

monday report

to everyone who has put love and energy
 into the ethers for my little border collie, 
there is good news, 
she is stable for now
last night hannah came home 
to visit her pup
she sat down and began to pet 
sleeping wendy, speaking quietly,
and wendy awoke
 and there was joy all around!
 wendy went back to see the vet today
more tests, 
more discussion, more tweaking the meds
and she's certainly got a heart disease
and a kidney infection
but is now eating again
she slept last night under a cloth
made of love
which i know helped
thank you jude
i'm doing well, 
though i wasn't too together in school.
but we will be fine.
thank you all.