first ski

i started a blog entry this morning but decided to wait until later today. it was snowing. alot. and i had hopes of skiing. so did wendy, aka "snowbeard". border collie+snow=delight. i skied on my old scaly, rock skis, the one that have no camber and are slow, but the snow was shallow and the trail torn up. the meadow at my place is too overgrown to ski on yet.

so we skied. no hobbits or hobos around. this little shed has big roof holes now. 

i love skiing on easy trails early in the season. this one is close to home, fairly flat, with lovely trees. the trail is used by students and community people. and it is dearly loved.

wendy stays away from open water.

and widowmakers. after an hour, one fall, several rests (i am out of shape), we went into town for a little shopping and then home. a short ski, maybe two miles. but i am flying. this is what i do to keep away the darkness. outdoors.

this is what i do to keep away the darkness. indoors. spun (twisted) lokta.

peace on earth. goodwill. i really don't think we humans mean it. but i wish you peace, your family, too. i know that it's a transitory thing. but it is something to practice. christmas, our north country holiday, is for me these days surpassed by solstice. but i'll take it. and will ask for more snow. for happiness, for fun, for fertilizer (poor man's fertilizer), and to help quieten things some. and to remind the kids to play.